Olde Amherstburg Ghost Tour/Le Tour Fantome Du Vieux Amherstburg

With tales of haunted museums, child apparitions, rum runners, and one of Canada’s most famous naval battles– this tour will explore the sinister stories and hair-raising history of one of Ontario’s most historic towns. Peer into the past, see inside notable buildings, and bring ghosts to life before your very eyes.

Featuring 13+ ghostly stories with haunting illustrations by Nick Marinkovich, more than 30 historical reference photos, and 360°photography of building interiors.

Tour includes: GPS guidance, audio narration, illustrations, historical image galleries, augmented reality ghosts, 360° virtual tours, 3D model recreations, selfie with a ghost, musical score by Blitz // Berlin.


Avec des histoires de musées hantés, d’apparitions d’enfants, de contrebandes et d’une des plus célèbres batailles navales du Canada, cette visite guidée explorera des histoires sinistres et terrifiantes de l’une des villes les plus historiques de l’Ontario. Découvrez le passé, observez l’intérieur de bâtiments remarquables, et faites revivre des fantômes sous vos yeux.

Avec plus de 13 histoires fantomatiques avec des illustrations fascinantes de Nick Marinkovich, plus de 30 photos de référence historiques et des photographies à 360 ° de l’intérieur des bâtiments.

La visite comprend: guidage GPS, narration audio, illustrations, galeries d’images historiques, fantômes en réalité augmentée, visites virtuelles à 360 °, reconstitutions de modèles 3D, égo portraits (selfie) avec un fantôme, partition musicale de Blitz // Berlin.


For more information on the Olde Amherstburg Ghost Tour, please contact the Town of Amherstburg.


The Essex BIA Santa Claus Parade is rolling into town this weekend! Don`t miss this must-see attraction as the downtown core lights up with wonderful floats, amazing bands and of course an appearance from Santa Claus himself 🎅 #YQG #WindsorEssex #DiscoverON #DiscoverYQG #DiscoverCanada #OntSouthwest #YQGHolidays ...

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Holiday gift shopping can be tough. Have no fear @whiskeyjackboutique and our Holiday Gift Guide are here to help! Explore gifts and souvenirs created in Windsor Essex! Give the gift of local goods and knick-knacks, ranging from Windsor merch to coffee beans to unique candles and everything in between!

#YQG #WindsorEssex #DiscoverON #DiscoverYQG #DiscoverCanada #OntSouthwest #YQGHolidays

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Making a trip to Canada is easy when checking out our website. Head over to crossingmadeeasy.com. We detail border traffic, toll prices rules and regulations and more! #YQG #WindsorEssex #DiscoverON #DiscoverYQG #DiscoverCanada #OntSouthwest

📷 @jbaxphotos.ca

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