Naples Pizza (Downtown West)

In 1984, the first Naples Pizza opened on Windsor’s east side.  Naples was determined to give customers “unquestionably the best” tasting pizza around and as a result, the family owned operation of over 23 years has now grown.  They have always listened to their customers.  They wanted more, they got more.  In addition to their original pizza, new menu items with the same great taste were added to satisfy customer demand.  Naples continually research new products to always offer a delicious experience every time!  Stop in at one of the Naples Pizza outlets and order up a great “unquestionably the best” taste experience!

Naples has 14 locations in Windsor Essex to serve you.  Click here for more detailed information.

Address: 1439 Rooney St., Windsor, ON, N9B 1K9
Telephone: (519) 256-7777


  • Sunday - 11:00am - 12:00am
  • Monday - 3:00pm - 12:00am
  • Tuesday - 3:00pm - 12:00am
  • Wednesday - 3:00pm - 12:00am
  • Thursday - 2:00pm - 12:00am
  • Friday - 11:00am - 2:00am
  • Saturday - 11:00am - 2:00am
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Happy Family Day!👨‍👩‍👦 Looking to make the most out of your long weekend? Why not stop by Colasanti`s Tropical Gardens for an unforgettable weekend with the kids? Enjoy the petting farm, mini golf course or the arcade! For more family fun, check out our Family Day Fun Guide on our website

#YQG #WindsorEssex #DiscoverON #DiscoverYQG #DiscoverCanada #OntSouthwest
📷 @colasantistropicalgardens

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GO SPITS GO!🏒🛩️ Cheer on the @windsorspitfireshockey Family Day weekend as they take on the Owen Sound Attack tomorrow at the WFCU Centre! Create more memories with our Family Day Fun Guide, featured on the front page of our website!
#YQG #WindsorEssex #DiscoverON #DiscoverYQG #DiscoverCanada #OntSouthwest

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📷What is your favourite spot to snap a photo in #YQG? Let us know in the 10th Annual Best of Windsor Essex Awards! Whether it’s a city scape or an outdoor adventure, let us know where you go for your new profile picture. Go to to vote now! 📷

#BOWE #Best Of #WindsorEssex #DiscoverON #DiscoverYQG #DiscoverCanada #OntSouthwest

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