Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island Launches Windsor Road Trip Rewards Campaign

Windsor Road Trip Rewards Provides VISA Gift Card For Overnight Guests

Windsor, ON – Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island has launched a visitor incentive campaign called ‘Windsor Road Trip Rewards’ that incentivizes visitors who book a minimum two night stay in Windsor and the surrounding municipalities with a $50 VISA card and a $25 Windsor Pizza Club voucher.

“The Windsor Road Trip Rewards program will give our valued hotels a shot in the arm by providing unique incentives that resonate with travelers. This is the time to launch such a campaign in an effort to kickstart sluggish hotel revenues resulting from the 17 month pandemic and help put heads in beds” said Gordon Orr, CEO of Tourism Windsor Essex. “If you’re staying in our hotels take the opportunity to visit a patio, buy a locally made souvenir, and pick up a slice of our infamous pizza while you’re here – all on us!”

The campaign is housed at and includes booking links to participating hotels and full offer details. The VISA cards will be redeemed only at businesses located in the City of Windsor, assuring that those dollars will stay local, in addition to the opportunity to get a taste of our infamous Windsor-style pizza at some of our participating Windsor Pizza Club locations.

“Now that we have made considerable progress in getting vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus, we look forward to encouraging travel and overnight stays once again to the Windsor region” said Mayor Drew Dilkens, City of Windsor. “This program provides guests the opportunity to explore what our City has to offer and helps support our local small businesses.”

Additional offers will be available for neighbouring districts including stays in Kingsville receiving $50 in Eat Drink Dine Kingsville dollars, Lakeshore receiving $50 in belle River BIA dollars and Leamington receiving a $50 VISA gift card.

“Windsor Essex hotels are excited to welcome back visitors and offer them great hospitality and service, while adhering to the strictest safety protocol measures” said Moe Razak, Regional General Manager Best Western PLUS Waterfront Hotel and Holiday Inn Express Windsor Waterfront. “Through the Windsor Road Trip Rewards campaign, we want to thank travelers for choosing our destination as we map out a road to recovery.”

Hotel stays must be booked and consumed by October 31, 2021. Voucher packages will be distributed upon check-in and are encouraged to be spend to enhance their experience by further exploring the districts in our region.


Jason Toner
Vice President of Marketing & Communications | Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island
519-819-4039 | [email protected]


Happy Valentine`s Day! Seeking out last minute plans? 💟 It`s alright, we`re not judging! Check out our Valentine`s Day Guide for date nights, markets, wine tastings and more!

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Celebrate the season of love with the Best of Windsor Essex Awards - Best Winery Experiences! VOTE NOW for one of five nominees as chosen by you and other residents in #YQG! Head to to vote now! REMINDER that this is the last week HST will be exempt on ALL wine products 22.9% ABV or less. Head over to a local winery before February 15th.

And the nominees are…..

📍Pelee Island Winery
📍Sprucewood Shores Estate Winery

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