Artist Alley & Maiden Lane

A public art project called Free 4 Walls is turning downtown alleys into outdoor galleries. The project was made possible through an Ontario Trillium grant which pays for materials and artist fees, to bring in some of the top names in street art. Ben Frost from Australia, Nychos from Austria, Bask and Persue and Above from the United States, and many others from across the continent have sprayed their artistry here. Wild fonts, eruptions of colour, psychedelic or abstract, surreal or pop art, the backstreet dances with paint and creativity, sometimes two storeys high.

Daniel Bombardier, teamed with Canadian artist Omen, recently completing the bold project’s signature piece: an amazingly rendered, 26-foot high portrait of a woman on one wall, while across the alley, a spray-paint can seems to be floating away from her hand.

The alley between Ouellete and Pelissier Sts, from Maiden Lane to Wyandotte, Windsor

Address: Maiden Lane, Windsor, ON

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Learn all about our rich history using our CROSSROAD Historical Guide! Explore landmarks in our region, including Willistead Manor! Today marks the first day of the manor`s annual holiday tours. See it decked out in beautiful holiday décor! #YQG #WindsorEssex #DiscoverON #DiscoverYQG #DiscoverCanada #OntSouthwest #Crossroads #YQGHolidays ...

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Sometimes it`s not just about the presents under the tree. The gift of experiences can make the best of memories! Whether it be a relaxing stay a scenic waterfront cruise or arts and crafts, Windsor Essex has plenty for you to enjoy! Check out Buyable Experiences in our Gift Guide at

Pictured: @wildernessnordicspa

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Give the gift of tasty treats this holiday season with @whatspoppinpopcornfactory! 🎁 🍿 Jingle pop is a great snack to share or enjoy while watching a holiday classic! See our Holiday Gift Guide on our website for more tasty gift ideas! #YQG #WindsorEssex #DiscoverON #DiscoverYQG #DiscoverCanada #OntSouthwest #YQGHolidays #foodie #popcorn ...

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