Rusty’s Chainsawed Expressions

7205 County Rd 42, Tecumseh, ON

Chainsaw Art and Hand carved art created by Rusty Barton arborist and artist!


Wednesday October 25, 2023

A deck of playing cards using 52 different images from the City of Windsor, Essex County and Pelee…

Serenity Song Designs

1285 Ottawa St, Windsor, Ontario

Artwork that promotes peace and serenity, a much needed energy in this world. Available in prints, originals, framed,…

Simon Steeps

548 Chilver Rd-In the Urban Art Market, Windsor, ON

Enjoy hand-made organic herbal teas blended just for you! Herbs are here to help and it starts with…

Sloane’s Woodworking

Thursday October 20, 2022

Custom and Personalized Wood Furniture, Housewares, and Gifts Made for You!

Smelly Wellness Creative Collections

1285 Ottawa St, Windsor, Ontario, N8X 2E5

Smelly Wellness Presents Creative Collections opened its doors in May 2018 and is a collective of local artists…

Southwest Shores

Monday February 11, 2019

It is often said that we are a product of our environment and the idea that sparked Southwest Shores is…

Stray Sheep Co.

548 Chilver Rd, Windsor, ON

Handmade for adventure! Crochet hats, scarves, headbands, slippers and all things cozy. Check out Stray Sheep Co’s cozy…

Sue2Knits and Yarn

12045 Ducharme Lane, McGregor, ON

Sue2Knits and Yarn, encourages creativity and works to inspire you as well as helping you choose your next…

Sweet Occasions Chocolates

4045 Seminole Street, Windsor, Ontario

Sweet Occasions Chocolates offers delectable chocolate treats for every occasion. Our chocolates are hand made and hand dipped, and wrapped with elegance. Only…

Terra Green

264 Dalhousie Street, Amherstburg, ON, N9V 1W7

Terra Green located inside of Terra Green Gardens. Welcome to Terra Green Gardens – a space to build…

The Artisans Gifting Company

1547 Labadie Rd, Windsor, Ontario

The Artisans Gifting Company specializes in premium-quality quilting supplies and fabric, embroidery supplies and services, handcrafted quilts and…


Happy Family Day!👨‍👩‍👦 Looking to make the most out of your long weekend? Why not stop by Colasanti`s Tropical Gardens for an unforgettable weekend with the kids? Enjoy the petting farm, mini golf course or the arcade! For more family fun, check out our Family Day Fun Guide on our website

#YQG #WindsorEssex #DiscoverON #DiscoverYQG #DiscoverCanada #OntSouthwest
📷 @colasantistropicalgardens

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GO SPITS GO!🏒🛩️ Cheer on the @windsorspitfireshockey Family Day weekend as they take on the Owen Sound Attack tomorrow at the WFCU Centre! Create more memories with our Family Day Fun Guide, featured on the front page of our website!
#YQG #WindsorEssex #DiscoverON #DiscoverYQG #DiscoverCanada #OntSouthwest

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📷What is your favourite spot to snap a photo in #YQG? Let us know in the 10th Annual Best of Windsor Essex Awards! Whether it’s a city scape or an outdoor adventure, let us know where you go for your new profile picture. Go to to vote now! 📷

#BOWE #Best Of #WindsorEssex #DiscoverON #DiscoverYQG #DiscoverCanada #OntSouthwest

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