Leslie McCurdy
Recipient of WEA’s 2014 Elizabeth Havelock Grant, and the 2014 and 2000 Mayor’s Awards for “Artist of the Year” and “Outstanding Performing Artist” of Windsor, Ontario respectively, Leslie McCurdy, continues to work internationally as an actor, dancer/choreographer, singer and teacher. She has many theatre, TV and film credits but is most “famous” for the one-woman plays that she wrote. She has toured to theatres and schools across North America, with a stop in Europe, for over 23 years with “The Spirit of Harriet Tubman”, “Things My Fore-Sisters Saw” and “Harriet Is My Hero”. Also in her repertoire is a play about Billie Holiday called, “Lady Ain’t Singin’ No Blues”. She is currently the subject of a documentary entitled, “The Leslie McCurdy Story: On the Money”, that is streaming on the CBC GEM network as part of the “Absolutely Canadian” program. The film celebrates her work as an educational actor portraying Black women of historical significance and the social activism that she participates in and encourages. Her plays are currently available online for schools and other venues, and Leslie thrilled to be able to engage with students during this difficult time in this way.