A small bird of the deciduous forest treetops, the sky-blue Cerulean Warbler is hard to see. It nests and forages higher in the canopy than most other warblers.

Adult Description
Small warbler.
Two broad white wingbars.
Solidly colored back (sky-blue in male, blue-green in female) with stripes of same color down sides of white chest.

Male Description
Deep cerulean blue above. White throat and underparts. Blue streaking down sides of breast. Dark band across throat. Black stripe into eye, creating a blue eye stripe above. Faint black streaks on back.

Female Description
Bluish-green above. White washed with yellow below. White or yellowish line over eye. Dusky streaking down sides of breast. Two white wingbars. Back unstreaked.

Immature Description
Similar to female. Back gray-green to olive (female) or bluish gray washed with green (male). Prominent pale eye stripe. Dull whitish underparts. Dark ear coverts. Two white wingbars.

*Image and description were sourced from: allaboutbirds.org

Address: Spotted In Windsor Essex

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Happy Family Day!πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘¦ Looking to make the most out of your long weekend? Why not stop by Colasanti`s Tropical Gardens for an unforgettable weekend with the kids? Enjoy the petting farm, mini golf course or the arcade! For more family fun, check out our Family Day Fun Guide on our website

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πŸ“· @colasantistropicalgardens

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GO SPITS GO!πŸ’πŸ›©οΈ Cheer on the @windsorspitfireshockey Family Day weekend as they take on the Owen Sound Attack tomorrow at the WFCU Centre! Create more memories with our Family Day Fun Guide, featured on the front page of our website!
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πŸ“·What is your favourite spot to snap a photo in #YQG? Let us know in the 10th Annual Best of Windsor Essex Awards! Whether it’s a city scape or an outdoor adventure, let us know where you go for your new profile picture. Go to bestofwindsoressex.ca/vote to vote now! πŸ“·

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