Lake Whitefish
Species Found In: Lake Erie
The Lake Whitefish are a slightly deep-bodied fish, oval in cross-section. They have a greenish-brown back, silvery sides, silvery-white belly, and…
Largemouth Bass
Species Found In: Lake Erie, Lake St. Clair, Detroit River
The Largemouth bass are medium-sized, deep-bodied fish, with back and sides that are green to olive, and a belly that…
Muskellunge (Muskie)
Species Found In: Detroit River, Lake St. Clair
The Muskellunge (Muskie) is a very large, elongated fish (second-largest in Ontario). It has dark vertical bands on light background, at…
Species Found In: Lake St. Clair
The Pike fish, also known as the Northern Pike or Jackfish, have very large, elongated bodies, dark green to…
Rainbow / Steelhead Trout
Species Found In: Lake Erie, Lake St. Clair, Detroit River
The Rainbow Trout feature a silver body with many small dark spots, with radiating rows of spots over their…
Smallmouth Bass
Species Found In: Lake Erie, Lake St. Clair, Detroit River
The Smallmouth Bass are medium-sized, deep-bodied fish, with green to olive back and sides, and yellow to white belly. Their…
Species Found In: Lake Erie, Lake St. Clair, Detroit River
Smelts are a family of small fish, that are also known as freshwater smelts or typical smelts. Some smelt…
Walleye (Pickerel)
Species Found In: Lake Erie, Lake St. Clair, Detroit River
Walleye are large, elongated fish. Their back is olive-green to brown; sides paler with yellow flecks. They have no…
Yellow Perch
Species Found In: Lake Erie, Detroit River
The Yellow Perch have a light yellow body, with 6 to 8 dark, vertical bands on their sides. They…